Awakening Souls Group


Awakening Souls Group - next meetup -  Tuesday 18 February 2020. 7 pm – 9 pm. - at the Carrara Communtiy Centre, Nielsens Road, Carrara, GOLD COAST.

Everyone is welcome!

This evening we are excited to invite a guest speaker - Jamie Spooner, psychic medium.

The intention of these monthly events is for like-minded people to come together to share their gifts and talents from a metaphysical and spiritual perspective for the group to benefit.

We also welcome anyone who is becoming aware of their spiritual essence and would like to connect with others as a means of encouragement and support.

This group is open to discussions on topics of a spiritual and metaphysical nature for the purpose for others to learn, relate, and to assist others on their spiritual path.

If you feel that you can inspire others through your spiritual knowledge and wisdom gained through personal experience, or perhaps you want to learn new ways to be in service to others, then we would love you to be part of our community!

Please feel free to bring along your business cards and brochures to share with the group.